Auto insurance may be one of your biggest monthly expenses, but it’s crucial that you have the right coverage to protect yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle. Known for its comprehensive and affordable auto insurance options for military families and veterans, USAA offers many ways to save on your premiums. If you’re looking to lower your auto insurance costs in 2024, this guide will walk you through effective strategies to help you lower your USAA auto insurance rates without sacrificing the quality of coverage you need.
Bundle Your Insurance
One of the most effective ways to save on USAA auto insurance is to bundle multiple policies. USAA offers discounts to customers who combine their auto insurance with other types of insurance, such as homeowners, renters, or life insurance. By purchasing multiple policies from USAA, you can save a lot of money—typically 10% to 25%, depending on how many policies you bundle. Bundling is a great way to simplify your insurance needs while reducing your overall cost. If you already have other types of insurance with USAA, it’s worth looking into whether you can save more by bundling it with your auto insurance.
Take Advantage of Safe Driving Discounts
USAA offers a variety of discount incentives for safe drivers. One of the most direct ways to save money on your auto insurance is to maintain a clean driving record. If you haven’t had an accident or suffered a loss in the past few years, you may qualify for a “safe driver” discount. Additionally, USAA offers a “good student” discount to young drivers who maintain a high grade point average, which encourages responsible behavior on the road and in school. Additionally, some states offer low-mileage discounts to drivers who don’t use their cars very often. If you drive less than the average number of miles per year, you may be able to take advantage of this discount to lower your premium.
Install security and anti-theft devices
Another effective way to save money on USAA auto insurance is to equip your vehicle with security features and anti-theft devices. USAA offers discounts to policyholders who install certain safety equipment in their vehicles, such as anti-lock brakes, airbags and alarm systems. Vehicles with advanced safety features such as lane departure warning, rearview cameras or collision avoidance systems may also qualify for discounts because they reduce the risk of an accident. Anti-theft devices such as steering wheel locks or vehicle tracking systems can reduce the chance of your car being stolen, which can lower your insurance premiums.
Drive a safe, low-risk vehicle
The type of vehicle you drive plays a major role in determining your insurance premiums. Insurers, including USAA, consider several factors when assessing auto insurance risk, such as the make, model, age and safety features of a car. If you drive a car that is known for its safety features, low repair costs and low risk of theft, you may qualify for a lower insurance rate. On the other hand, luxury or sports cars tend to have higher repair costs and a greater risk of theft, which usually means higher insurance premiums. When choosing a vehicle, it’s worth considering how its features will affect the cost of your insurance.
Choose a Higher Deductible
If you want to save money on your USAA auto insurance premiums in 2024, one strategy is to choose a higher deductible. A deductible is the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company will file a claim. Choosing a higher deductible can help lower your monthly premium, since you’re at greater financial risk in the event of an accident. However, it’s important to make sure you can comfortably afford to pay a higher deductible if you do need to file a claim. USAA has flexibility in choosing your deductible, and raising your deductible can be a simple and effective way to save money on your premiums.
Take Advantage of USAA’s Usage-Based Insurance Plan
For 2024, USAA is offering a usage-based insurance program called SafePilot, which helps you save money based on your driving habits. SafePilot uses a mobile app to track your driving behavior, such as speed, braking, and the time of day you drive. You can realize significant savings by demonstrating safe driving habits. The program offers an initial discount for signing up, and over time, save on your USAA auto insurance in 2024, it’s worth checking your credit score and making efforts to improve it if necessary. Paying off outstanding debts, avoiding late payments, and keeping credit utilization low can help boost your credit score, potentially leading to lower auto insurance costs.
Consider Dropping Unnecessary Coverage
If you have an older vehicle that is not worth much in terms of market value, you may want to consider adjusting your coverage to reflect the current value of your car. Comprehensive and collision coverage can be expensive, especially for older cars. If your car’s value is low, you may find that the cost of these coverages outweighs the benefits. USAA allows you to adjust your coverage based on the age and value of your car. Before dropping any coverage, it’s important to evaluate whether you can afford to repair or replace your vehicle out of pocket in the event of an accident.
Pay Annually Instead of Monthly
Paying your auto insurance premium annually rather than monthly is another way to save money. USAA, like many other insurance providers, may offer a discount to policyholders who choose to pay their premiums in full for the year rather than breaking the payments into monthly installments. This is because insurers often charge processing fees for monthly payments, which can add up over time. By paying annually, you can avoid these fees and potentially save money in the long run.
Review Your Policy
Regularly Insurance needs change over time, so it’s essential to review your policy regularly to ensure you’re getting the best rate possible. In 2024, it’s worth checking in with USAA to reassess your coverage and make sure it aligns with your current circumstances. If you’ve made significant life changes—such as moving to a new location, getting a new car, or changing your driving habits—your insurance rates may be affected. USAA’s agents are available to help you navigate these changes and adjust your policy to make sure you’re getting the right coverage at the best possible price.
Saving on USAA auto insurance in 2024 doesn’t have to be difficult. By taking advantage of discounts, bundling policies, maintaining a safe driving record, and adjusting your coverage to fit your needs, you can lower your premiums and still maintain comprehensive protection. USAA provides a variety of options to help military families and veterans save money while ensuring they have the coverage they need. Whether you’re a new policyholder or reviewing your existing policy, these strategies can help you reduce your costs and keep your auto insurance affordable in 2024.